Root Canal treatment refers to treatment done on the root area of a decayed tooth due to extensive bacteria development. RCT is considered a painful treatment due to which the majority of people fear. But do you know what exactly the treatment is and how it goes?
Listening to others and then making an opinion about the same is common. But before believing, it is essential to check on the things that the treatment comprises. So, let us dig into the whole RCT concept to provide you a clear vision of it.
What is the Root Canal?
The toothache is the first thing that comes to mind whenever we think of visiting a dentist. However, this indicates that you need to see a dentist, and you may require root canal treatment.
RCT is basically done to the decayed tooth's root area because of the extensive bacteria development. The dental experts then remove the pulp area that got infected and put the essential suitable material in the space.
Believing that it is a painful treatment is fine, but have you ever thought of the reality behind it?
Do you know the procedure or performing an RCT?
Let us get familiar with the procedure.
The Root Canal treatment is a multi-step procedure that generally comprises the following steps:
- Infected and inflamed pulp removal
- Root Canals, cleaning and disinfection
- Filling canals with an inert material and sealing them
- Post root canal cap.
You may need to visit the dentist a couple of times to get it done, but the procedure includes the steps mentioned above only that we will explain later. But before that, when do you need the treatment, and what are the indications.
When do you need the Root Canal treatment?
Now that you are familiar with why you do need the treatment, let us put some shine on the conditions when you need it.
Some several signs and symptoms indicate you may need access to RCT.
- Teeth with deep decay
- Cracked or broken teeth
- Failed dental fillings
- Teeth with gum diseases
- Teeth that have suffered traumas
Experienced symptoms that indicate you need Root Canal Treatment!
1. Toothache:
Toothache is one of the foremost reasons why you need to visit a dental expert. However, the pain may range from mild to severe, and the toothache may increase on changing the positions or biting onto something.
2. Sensitivity:
Usually, the enamel layer covers the inner two layers, and that is why we do not experience any sensitivity, But when the pulp layers and dentin are exposed, you may experience augmented sensitivity to hot food, ice-creams, sweet foods, etc. This calls for a visit to a dentist.
3. Infections:
Though the pain ranges from mild to severe, even when the pain subsides, the infection can spread to the tissues around the decayed teeth and may result in swelling.
If you have experienced any of the symptoms mentioned above, then the chances are that you may need to visit your dentist to get your RCT done. Let us now get familiar with the whole procedure.
Root canal treatment procedure!
RCT is a multi-step procedure that usually takes more than one sitting to get the tooth condition treated. However, the number of sittings is based on the tooth condition and the severity of the infection. Generally, RCT takes 3-4 sittings.
What steps the procedure entails!
Step 1: X-ray
X-ray is the initial step of the RCT procedure that determines the pain causes and decay's extent. After detecting the area and severity of the affected tooth, the next step includes injecting the local anesthetic to ensure a painless procedure.
Step 2: Decay removal and preparing the cavity
RCT includes the decay removal that can be seen and prepares a cavity in the tooth to access the inner pulp easily.
Step 3: Infected pulp removal
Once the access has been obtained well, the inflamed and infected pulp is eradicated. Though in some cases, the pulp may have disintegrated, and only specks of it remain. However, in the cases where there is a pus accumulation beneath the root, the access and removal of the pulp facilitates pus drainage and endows the patient with immediate relief.
Step 4: Cleaning, disinfecting, and preparing the canals
Once the pulp removal is done, the canals are disinfected using a saline solution. The canals are cleaned and shaped to accommodate the filling materials.
Step 5: Sealing canals with inert materials and sealing them
The canals can be sealed with an inert rubber-based material. Sometimes this can be done on the same day, but in most cases, it requires a 3-5 days gap before the canal's permanent sealing. Once the canals are ready, they are sealed with rubber-based cones. The cones are inert and do not get dissolved in blood or saliva and prevent the tooth's re-infection.
Step 6: Post root canal cap
Once the canals are correctly sealed, it is the right time to restore the decayed crown portion of the tooth with teeth filling material. Placement of the cap can strengthen the tooth.
As we have said earlier, we will familiarize you with the detailed step-by-step procedure of RCT treatment, we have appropriately done that, and the steps that were composed in four steps only got elaborated to six to give a proper vision of the procedure.
However, even after this much clearance, people are still worried about a few questions. Let us take up a few common questions!
Is throbbing pain after RCT is normal?
Discomfort and pain after the root canal treatment are expected for a few days. As the root and tooth area heals, you will experience the pain to settle down to moderate and mild for a few days. But once the whole procedure is done, the dentist will recommend you with aftercare recommendations. Make sure you follow that appropriately.
Conversely, if you are experiencing the throbbing pain continuously and experiencing some other issues, visit the dental expert immediately.
What is better – Root canal treatment or extraction?
Well, it is always a fantastic way out to save your natural teeth. Therefore, the RCT is recommended in the first place, but if the tooth's condition is severe and cannot be protected through the RCT procedure, tooth extraction and replacement procedures take charge.
What should be taken after RCT?
Each procedure requires some aftercare tips that need mandatorily to be followed. And so does the root canal treatment. The RCT aftercare measures include:
- Maintain good oral hygiene.
- Painkillers are recommended in case the patient experiences consistent pain.
- Avoid eating hard food for a few days
- Try some soft chewing foods
- Brush your teeth twice a day
- Reduce the intake of sugary food from the daily diet.
With good care and proper attention, the RCT can last a lifetime. But, at the same time, not following the advice appropriately and poor handling of the post-care recommendations can result in failed treatments and cost a lot.
What does the Root canal cost?
This is one of the most common questions that people usually query about. The root canal cost depends upon several factors. Based on the severity of infection and tooth decay, the cost can be estimated by the dental experts. The price may vary from person to person, and so does the number of sittings. So, don't get confused between all of them.
Bottom line!
It is always a fantastic idea to visit the dentist right away if you experience any symptoms. Visiting the dental experts on time may save your natural teeth and keep you from getting into the adjustment procedures. So, drop the worries aside and contact now for the consultations!
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